1 Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CEA, CNRS, INRAE, IRIG, Laboratoire de Physiologie Cellulaire & Végétale, 38000 Grenoble.
2 Univ. Grenoble-Alpes, CNRS, Jardin du Lautaret, 38000, Grenoble, France.
3 Univ. Grenoble-Alpes, Univ. Savoie Mont Blanc, CNRS, LECA, 38000, Grenoble, France.

@ Correspondence: Eric Maréchal <>, Eric Coissac <>

Go back to the global description of the project

1 Setting up the R environment

- `ROBITools` package is used to read result files produced by OBITools.
- `ROBITaxonomy` package provides function allowing to query OBITools formated taxonomy.
if (!require(ROBITools)) {

  # ROBITools are not available on CRAN and have to be installed
  # from http://git.metabarcoding.org using devtools

  if (!require(devtools)) {



if (!require(tidyverse)) {
if (!require(vegan)) {
if (!require(ade4)) {

2 Loading an preparing of the dataset

2.1 Loading of the OBITools formated NCBI taxonomy

ncbi <- read.taxonomy("embl-140/ncbi20190930")

2.2 Loading the raw data after obitools processing

chlo01_raw <- import.metabarcoding.data("chlo01/chlo01.ecotag.tab")

2.3 Extract the obiclean data from the MOTU description.

chlo01_raw.clean <- extracts.obiclean(chlo01_raw)

2.4 Affects catetories to the samples among

  • sample : PCRs corresponding to samples
  • positive_ctrl : PCRs corresponding to the mock community of 10 algaes.
  • negative_ctrl : PCR negative controls
  • blank : sequencing negative controls
sample_names <- rownames(chlo01_raw.clean)
positive_control <- grep(pattern = "^CP[0-9]{2}_", x = sample_names)
negative_control <- grep(pattern = "^C[0-9]+_", x = sample_names)
blanks <- grep(pattern = "^BLK[0-9]{2}_", x = sample_names)
category <- factor(rep("sample", nrow(chlo01_raw.clean)),
  levels = c("sample", "positive_ctrl", "negative_ctrl", "blank")
category[positive_control] <- "positive_ctrl"
category[negative_control] <- "negative_ctrl"
category[blanks] <- "blank"

chlo01_raw.clean@samples$category <- category

2.5 Adds a sample id that corresponds to the PCR id (sample_name column) without the replica id

sampleid <- sapply(sample_names, function(x) strsplit(x, split = "_")[[1]][1])
chlo01_raw.clean@samples$sampleid <- factor(sampleid)

2.6 Adds information about sites

site <- factor(category, levels = c(
  "ANT", "CHA", "LOR", "RIS", "VCH"

for (s in c("ANT", "CHA", "LOR", "RIS", "VCH")) {
  p <- grep(pattern = paste0("^", s, "[0-9]+_"), x = sample_names)
  site[p] <- s

chlo01_raw.clean@samples$site <- site

Plots for every PCR its diversity as a function of read counts

chlo01_raw.clean %>% plot_reads_x_motus(q = 1, threshold = 0.00, limit = 500) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 4)

2.7 Filters out sequences that are not considered as true sequences by obiclean

# Sets the count of not true sequences to 0.
chlo01_raw.center <- chlo01_raw.clean
chlo01_raw.center@reads[chlo01_raw.clean$obiclean_status != "h"] <- 0

# Removes MOTUs occurring in any samples
chlo01_raw.center <- chlo01_raw.center[, colSums(chlo01_raw.center@reads) > 0]

# Removes empty samples
chlo01_raw.center <- chlo01_raw.center[which(rowSums(chlo01_raw.center@reads) > 0), ]

# Erases the original large data set

2.8 Adds a taxo_group column to the MOTU description with three categories :

  • Chlorophyta
  • Others
  • Not annoted

The Not annoted category corresponds to MOTU without similarity with the reference database. The ’Others" category corresponds to non Chlorophyta MOTUs.

motus_cat <- rep("Others", ncol(chlo01_raw.center))

chlorophita.taxid <- ecofind(ncbi, "^chlorophyta$")
is_chlorophyta <- is.subcladeof(ncbi, chlo01_raw.center@motus$taxid, chlorophita.taxid)
motus_cat[is_chlorophyta] <- "Chlorophyta"
motus_cat[chlo01_raw.center@motus$taxid == 1] <- "Not annoted"

chlo01_raw.center@motus$taxo_group <- factor(motus_cat,
  levels = c("Chlorophyta", "Others", "Not annoted")

Plot for each PCR then hill’s number diversity for \(q=1\) as a function of read numbers associated to that PCR.

The theoritical Hill’s number for positive controle is \(^1D=4\).

chlo01_raw.center %>% plot_reads_x_motus(q = 1, threshold = 0.00, limit = 500) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 4)

2.9 Look for contaminents

2.9.1 Look for sequences present in positive controles and samples

The table resumes for each sequence occurring in positive controls how many times they occure in samples, positive controles and negative controles

chlo01_in_positive_ctrls <- which(
      chlo01_raw.center@samples$category == "positive_ctrl",
  ) > 0

  sample = colSums(chlo01_raw.center@reads[chlo01_raw.center@samples$category == "sample", chlo01_in_positive_ctrls]),

  positive = colSums(chlo01_raw.center@reads[
    chlo01_raw.center@samples$category == "positive_ctrl",

  negative = colSums(chlo01_raw.center@reads[
    chlo01_raw.center@samples$category == "negative_ctrl",
) Examines the distribution of MOTU HISEQ:290:CCU08ANXX:1:1101:6594:2283_CONS_SUB_SUB

cont <- "HISEQ:290:CCU08ANXX:1:1101:6594:2283_CONS_SUB_SUB"
  motus = chlo01_raw.center@reads[, cont],
  site = chlo01_raw.center@samples$site
) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = site, y = motus)) +
  geom_boxplot() +

tapply(chlo01_raw.center@reads[, cont], chlo01_raw.center@samples$site, max, na.rm = TRUE)
##        sample positive_ctrl negative_ctrl         blank           ANT           CHA           LOR 
##            NA           207             0            NA          8218         10452         17826 
##           RIS           VCH 
##         10418          9695 Examines the distribution of MOTU HISEQ:290:CCU08ANXX:1:1101:8789:3615_CONS_SUB_SUB_CMP

cont <- "HISEQ:290:CCU08ANXX:1:1101:8789:3615_CONS_SUB_SUB_CMP"
  motus = chlo01_raw.center@reads[, cont],
  site = chlo01_raw.center@samples$site
) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = site, y = motus)) +
  geom_boxplot() +

tapply(chlo01_raw.center@reads[, cont], chlo01_raw.center@samples$site, max, na.rm = TRUE)
##        sample positive_ctrl negative_ctrl         blank           ANT           CHA           LOR 
##            NA           256             0            NA           720          1595             0 
##           RIS           VCH 
##           258          1311

2.9.2 Look for sequences present in negative PCR controles and samples

chlo01_in_negative_ctrls <- which(
      chlo01_raw.center@samples$category == "negative_ctrl",
  ) > 0

maxneg <- aggregate(chlo01_raw.center[, chlo01_in_negative_ctrls],
  MARGIN = 1,
  by = list(category = chlo01_raw.center@samples$category),
  FUN = max
neg_ctrls <- data.frame(
  sample = colSums(chlo01_raw.center@reads[
    chlo01_raw.center@samples$category == "sample",
  positive = colSums(chlo01_raw.center@reads[
    chlo01_raw.center@samples$category == "positive_ctrl",
  negative = colSums(chlo01_raw.center@reads[
    chlo01_raw.center@samples$category == "negative_ctrl",
  max_in = levels(maxneg@samples$category)[apply(maxneg@reads, 2, which.max)],
  idx = chlo01_in_negative_ctrls

neg_ctrls %>% ggplot(aes(x = sample, y = negative, col = max_in)) +
  geom_point() +
  scale_x_log10() +
  scale_y_log10() +
  geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, col = "red")
## Warning: Transformation introduced infinite values in continuous x-axis Remove a potentiol contaminent from negative controle

Each MOTU more abundant in the negative controls than in the samples is removed.

chlo01_raw.center <- chlo01_raw.center[, -(neg_ctrls[neg_ctrls$max_in == "negative_ctrl", "idx"])]

Clean the dataset by removing every empty PCR

chlo01_raw.center <- chlo01_raw.center[which(rowSums(chlo01_raw.center@reads) > 0), ]
## [1]  470 4087

2.10 Number of replicate per PCR category

Counts how many PCR replicates are conserved at that level of the analysis.

n_pcr <- table(chlo01_raw.center@samples$sampleid)[as.character(chlo01_raw.center@samples$sampleid)]
table(n_pcr, chlo01_raw.center@samples$site)
## n_pcr sample positive_ctrl negative_ctrl blank ANT CHA LOR RIS VCH
##     1      0             0             2     0   4   2   7   8   2
##     2      0             0             0     0  30  22  26  24  28
##     3      0            72             0     0  51  69  36  45  42

The sample column is equal to zero because sample category is actually distributed among sites At that level every blanks are empty and no more PCRs corresponding to them are conserved

2.11 Filters out PCR replicats with too few reads

Plots for every PCR its diversity as a function of read counts

chlo01_raw.center %>% plot_reads_x_motus(q = 1, threshold = 0.00, limit = 200) + geom_hline(yintercept = 4)

Keeps only PCRs with more than 200 reads. MOTUs having no more representants are removed

chlo01_raw.center <- chlo01_raw.center[rowSums(chlo01_raw.center@reads) >= 200, ]
chlo01_raw.center <- chlo01_raw.center[, colSums(chlo01_raw.center@reads) > 0]

2.12 Checks similarity between PCR replicates

chlo01.keep1 <- tag_bad_pcr(chlo01_raw.center@samples$sampleid,
  counts = chlo01_raw.center@reads

The dissimilarity distribution of PCR replicates is bimodal. Low dissimilarity replicates correspond to positive controls, the second mode corresponds to samples.

chlo01_by_taxo_group <- aggregate(chlo01_raw.center, MARGIN = 2, by = list(chlo01_raw.center@motus$taxo_group), FUN = sum)
chlo01_raw.center@samples$chlorophyta_part <- chlo01_by_taxo_group@reads[, 1] / rowSums(chlo01_by_taxo_group@reads)
chlo01_raw.center@samples$dist_barycenter <- chlo01.keep1$distance

The lower replicability of the samples is be explained by a very low amount of DNA as shown in the following plot.

data <- data.frame(
  x = chlo01.keep1$distance,
  y = 1 - chlo01_by_taxo_group@reads[, 1] / rowSums(chlo01_by_taxo_group@reads),
  col = chlo01_raw.center@samples$category,
  pch = as.character(table(chlo01_raw.center@samples$sampleid)[as.character(chlo01_raw.center@samples$sampleid)]),
  ok = table(chlo01_raw.center@samples$sampleid)[as.character(chlo01_raw.center@samples$sampleid)] > 1 &
    chlo01_raw.center@samples$category == "sample"

ggplot(data[table(chlo01_raw.center@samples$sampleid)[as.character(chlo01_raw.center@samples$sampleid)] > 1, ], aes(x = y, y = x, col = col)) +
  geom_point() +
  scale_y_log10() +
  ylab("Distance among PCR replicates") +
  xlab("Fraction of non Chlorophyta reads") +
  stat_smooth(data = data[data$ok, ], col = "black", method = "lm", se = FALSE) +
  theme(legend.title = element_blank())
## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'

Estimates the linear model for the sample PCRs.

ok <- table(chlo01_raw.center@samples$sampleid)[as.character(chlo01_raw.center@samples$sampleid)] > 1 &
  chlo01_raw.center@samples$category == "sample" & data$x > 0 & data$y > 0

l <- lm(log(data$x[ok]) ~ data$y[ok], na.action = na.omit)
## Call:
## lm(formula = log(data$x[ok]) ~ data$y[ok], na.action = na.omit)
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -0.86852 -0.22109  0.01324  0.25279  0.92444 
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept) -1.17963    0.04467 -26.406  < 2e-16 ***
## data$y[ok]   0.85851    0.10001   8.584 5.82e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.335 on 288 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.2037, Adjusted R-squared:  0.201 
## F-statistic: 73.68 on 1 and 288 DF,  p-value: 5.825e-16
cor(log(data$x[ok]), data$y[ok], use = "complete.obs")^2
## [1] 0.2037184

More Chlorophyta reads in the PCR closer are the replicates. The Chlorophyta amount of DNA seems to be the limitant factor.

2.13 Preprares the final data set for ecological analysis

We now just focus on the target group and remove every control PCRs

chlo01.chlorophyta <- chlo01_raw.center[, chlo01_raw.center@motus$taxo_group == "Chlorophyta"]
chlo01.chlorophyta <- chlo01.chlorophyta[which(rowSums(chlo01.chlorophyta@reads) > 0), ]
chlo01.chlorophyta <- chlo01.chlorophyta[which(chlo01.chlorophyta@samples$category == "sample"), ]
chlo01.chlorophyta <- chlo01.chlorophyta[, which(colSums(chlo01.chlorophyta@reads) > 0)]

and we merge the sites metadata

orchamp_env <- read.csv("orchamp_env.csv", header = TRUE)
sample_descr <- read.csv2("labels_metabar_trie.csv", header = TRUE)
code_plot <- paste(sample_descr$Site_short, sample_descr$Altitude, sample_descr$Horizon, sep = "_")
sample_descr$Code_plot <- code_plot
left_join(sample_descr, orchamp_env) %>% right_join(chlo01.chlorophyta@samples, by = c(EXTRACTION.CODE = "sampleid")) -> samples
## Joining, by = c("Altitude", "Horizon", "Code_plot")
rownames(samples) <- as.character(samples$sample)
chlo01.chlorophyta@samples <- samples

chlo01.chlorophyta@motus$class <- taxonatrank(ncbi, chlo01.chlorophyta@motus$taxid, "class", name = TRUE)
table(table(chlo01.chlorophyta@samples$EXTRACTION.CODE)[as.character(chlo01.chlorophyta@samples$EXTRACTION.CODE)], chlo01.chlorophyta@samples$Site_short)
##   1  12   2  16  12   5
##   2  18  28  16  26  30
##   3  36  57  18  18  27
chlo01.chlorophyta %>% plot_reads_x_motus(q = 1, threshold = 0.00) + geom_hline(yintercept = 4)

3 Saves the cleaned data set

dir.create("cleaned_datasets", showWarnings = FALSE)
write.csv2(chlo01.chlorophyta@reads, file = "cleaned_datasets/Chlo01.cleaned.reads.csv")
write.csv2(chlo01.chlorophyta@motus, file = "cleaned_datasets/Chlo01.cleaned.motus.csv")
write.csv2(chlo01.chlorophyta@samples, file = "cleaned_datasets/Chlo01.cleaned.samples.csv")